Product Audit

SEO Audit

Be highly visible and easy to find in Google search

Stop wasting time looking for the reasons why your e-commerce platform is not popular or not as popular and visited as it used to be. Contact us, and we shall provide comprehensive, detailed and accurate conclusions, and recommendations in order to make your website popular and visited again.

SEO auditas

Briefly on SEO

SEO is the most effective method of advertising that can ensure visibility, accessibility and effectiveness of your business. By adapting search engine optimisation, your webpage can attract much larger traffic to your e-shop. The true is that SEO rules, algorithms and details are constantly changing; therefore, it is necessary to regularly take an interest in innovations and to adjust them to your webpage. There is an alternative, a SEO audit performed by us. The goal of an SEO audit is to help find the reasons that prevent your website from gaining high positions in the search engine: we check the content, structure, algorithm, indexing part, etc., of your webpage. After performing an SEO audit, we offer recommendations that will help you reach or return high positions in Google search engine.

SEO auditas

Benefits of an SEO Audit

A deep analysis, long-term recommendations, individual audit. We check over 100 different indicators that can determine effective or malfunctioning SEO. We shall identify and indicate problems and offer solutions that can help address them. The SEO audit process is very individual every time, as everything depends on the site being assessed.

Why choose us?

We are constantly seeking for what is best for you

We use the most advanced technological solutions that satisfy your business needs for developing projects of our customers

Our communication is open and effective

As we firmly believe that mutual understanding leads to success and positive results, we can discuss challenging decisions with ease

We become part of your

We share our collective experience and consult with you before making key business decisions because we want you to constantly feel like we care about the results of your business – beauty and health products online
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